When our mental health is suffering it’s not unusual for us to want to withdraw from life, to stay indoors and hide.
We slow down. Completing simple tasks can seem difficult, even getting out of bed can be onerous. Daily life can be gruelling. The last thing we feel like doing is going outside.
Getting outside can be one of the best things we can do to help improve our mental health. Research has shown walking in green spaces relieves stress.
Nature is a natural healer. Surrounding yourself with trees, fields, hills, streams and fresh air can do wonders for both our physical and mental health.
· If possible walk in nature. There are more shades of green than any other colour
· You can benefit from being outside even if it’s for ten minutes.
· Take time to notice the colours, the shapes, the different textures, the sights and smells
· Sit in your garden
Take advantage of the healing power of nature and go outside.
Do you have a favourite place outside? Let me know in the comments section below.